choose: Aglami Aglamians -> Pixelated <-

A mixture of images reflecting Aglami's most dreadful Dutch pirate kitten.

pixel.jpg - My Pixel-sign ("#~) neatly explained in this startlingly awesome drawing.
pixel.png - Apparently some missguided Aglamian viewed me like this...
Also, breathtaking Paint.exe skills btw...
pixelcat.jpg - Yes, well, it's true, I really AM not Cute!!
pixelosad.jpg - After I complained about certain software-companies forcing horrible OS's with dreadful UI's down your throat... I was provided with this.
pixelcrankyosad.jpg - When I complained about (apparently amongst other things) the Pixel OS Home Edition ad (see above), this happened...
pixelelectric.jpg - Nope, not a clue. No why, no how, or no wherefore...
pixelnewspaper.jpg - Case in point why you should never share pictures of yourself online...
Also, I've just realized when the picture on the newspaper itself was taken, and Dirk and I don't want to talk about it...
pixelsfridge.swf - I understand you want an explanation for this horrible act of barbarism, but I can't remember for the world why someone would have made this.
pixelspawn.jpg - To ensure the future of Aglami, there is now Pixel-offspring.
pixeltents.jpg - Aglamians have this real horrible morbid fasination with tents... it's eerie...
pixelthenacho.jpg - Teaching the new Pixelated-generation to get the nachos...
pokepixel.swf - Why don't you just take a poke at Pixel, everybody else does... *sighs* :-(