Basic mIRC startup help file

how to get on #aglami, fast, by pixel

Help! It's not working!

I can't connect to the server!
Try a different Slashnet server

I can't find the places to fill out the data you gave me above!
You might (very likely) be using another version of mIRC than I am. Try clicking around a bit, within the options window, to find the fields mentioned above.

I can't connect to the channel!
Check if you spelled it properly and see if you didn't forget the #. Also, did you put the / before join?

Waaah! Nobody talks to me!
In your channel-window, there is on the right bit with displays all persons present in the channel... CHECK if there are any names there besides yours. If not, there is nobody else there, you idiot!
If there is someone there, it could be that he is currently talking in another channel and hasn't noticed your arrival, or he could have gone to the toilet, to the kitchen... or out on a date.

It is still not working! Waaah!!!
Uhm, well, then I don't know what is wrong. Try to contact someone on ICQ/MSN or try asking in Aglami.